100道素菜(中英對照) epub pdf txt mobi 電子書 下載 2025
齣版者 出版社:Forms Kitchen 訂閱出版社新書快訊 新功能介紹
齣版日期 出版日期:2019/09/12
語言 語言:繁體中文
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杜紹鵬 Feliz Chan
100道素菜(中英對照) epub pdf txt mobi 電子書 下載
素食,吃出健康來! 6
Vegetarian Diet for Good Health!
素食材料,你認識嗎? 8
Do you Know these Vegetarian Ingredients?
Prepare Well and Easily Make Vegetarian Dishes
欖油羅勒醬 16
Pesto Sauce
牛油果醬 19
素肉燥冬菇醬 20
Vegetarian Minced Pork Sauce
番茄醬 22
Tomato Sauce
大豆芽菜素上湯 23
Soybean Sprout Vegetarian Stock
昆布素上湯 24
Kelp Stock
冰豆腐 25
Frozen Tofu
素扒 26
Vegetarian Burger
素肉丸 28
Vegetarian Meatballs
素豆餅 29
Bean Patties
Cold Appetisers
藜麥杏仁車厘茄羽衣甘藍 30
Curly Kale Salad with Cherry Tomato, Quinoa and Almond
麻醬拌杞子鮮淮山 32
Fresh Yam and Qi Zi in Sesame Sauce
合桃腰果拌菠菜 34
Spinach with Walnut and Cashew
藜麥帶子 36
Potato Quinoa Patties
開心果洋葱拌凍番茄 38
Tomato Slice Mixed with Pistachio and Onion
涼拌鮮竹海竹笙 40
Chilled Tofu Sticks and Bull Kelp
煎南瓜水餃 42
Pan-fried Pumpkin Dumplings
芝士石榴橄欖番茄乾拌沙律菜 44
Pomegranate, Olive and Tomato Salad with Cheese
蔬菜薯茸餅 46
Fried Potato and Broccoli Patties
涼拌青瓜片 48
Chilled Cucumber Slices in Sesame Sauce
芝麻合桃蓮藕餅 50
Lotus Root Patties with Walnut and Sesame
涼拌洋葱苦瓜片 52
Chilled Bitter Melon and Red Onion
Nourishing Vegetarian Soups
姫松茸節瓜雜豆湯 54
Agaricus Blazei Mushroom, Chinese Marrow and Beans Soup
鮮淮山雪耳紅蘿蔔栗子湯 56
Fresh Yam, White Fungus, Carrot and Chestnut Soup
冬瓜冬菇竹笙芡實薏米湯 58
Winter Melon Soup with Black Mushroom, Zhu Sheng, Fox Nuts and Job’s Tear
紅菜頭粟米甘筍腰果合桃湯 60
Beetroot Soup with Corn, Carrot, Cashew and Walnut
雙蓮冬菇花生紅綠豆湯 62
Lotus Root Soup with Lotus Seeds, Black Mushroom and Peanut
合掌瓜紅蘿蔔猴頭菇湯 64
Chayote Soup with Carrot and Monkey-head Mushroom
羊肚菌粟米紅蘿蔔淮山黑豆湯 66
Morchella Soup with Corn, Carrot, Yam and Black Soybean
番茄薯仔洋葱椰菜湯 68
Cabbage and Onion Soup with Tomato and Potato,
黃耳乾菌合桃魚翅瓜湯 70
Fig-leaf Gourd Soup with Yellow Fungus, Mushrooms and Walnut
南瓜粟米羹 72
Pumpkin and Corn Thick Soup
西蘭花青豆羹 74
Broccoli and Green Pea Thick Soup
Unforgettable Vegetarian Dishes
糖醋猴頭菇 76
Deep-fried Monkey-head Mushrooms in Sweet and Sour Sauce
九層塔煎蛋 78
Fried Egg with Basil
七彩海竹笙素炒 80
Stir-fried Bull Kelp, Soybean Sprouts and Spiced Tofu
素肉燥冬菇醬乾扁四季豆 82
Fried Snap Beans in Vegetarian Minced Pork Sauce
煎釀小甜椒 84
Fried Bell Pepper Stuffed with Lotus Root and Peanut
南乳甜竹煮素菜 86
Vegetarian Stew with Sweet Tofu Stick and Fermented Tofu
五香醬毛豆煮冰豆腐 88
Braised Frozen Tofu and Edamame
欖菜蟲草花蒸豆泡勝瓜 90
Steamed Loofah with Preserved Olive and Cordycep Flowers
炸芋蝦 92
Deep-fried Taro Chips
素肉燥醬甜椒拌粉絲 95
Vermicelli and Bell Pepper Mixed in Vegetarian Minced Pork Sauce
蠔汁三菇桃膠燴瓜甫 98
Braised Chinese Marrow with Mushrooms and Peach Gum
Stir-fried Vegetarian Chicken with Soy Sauce, Sesame Oil and Wine
Vegetarian Dishes in Western Style
番茄燴素肉丸 102
Vegetarian Meatball in Tomato Sauce
蘑菇番茄牛油果漢堡包 104
Hamburger with Avocado and Mushroom
素豆餅伴椰菜花飯 106
Cauliflower Rice with Bean Patties
番茄蘑菇羽衣甘藍煮意粉 108
Spaghetti with Curly Kale, Mushrooms and Tomato
鷹咀豆蔬菜薄餅卷 110
Hummus Tortilla with Vegetables
西班牙蔬菜飯 112
Vegetarian Paella
芝士菠菜意大利戒指雲吞 115
Tortellini in Tomato Sauce
青瓜意大利麵伴芥末蜜糖乳酪醬 118
Cucumber Noodle in Honey Yoghurt Sauce
鮮露筍車厘茄芝士筆尖粉 120
Flaxseed Penne with Asparagus and Cherry Tomatoes
素千層麵 122
Vegetarian Lasagna
素肉扒漢堡包 124
Vegetarian Hamburger
南瓜洋葱蘋果煮椰菜花 126
Braised Cauliflower, Pumpkinwith Onion and Apple
芝士烤鮮蔬 128
Roasted Vegetables with Cheese
Vegetarian Dishes with Tangy Taste
麻辣茄子豆腐蒟蒻結 130
Spicy Eggplant, Tofu and Konnyaku
酸甜醬菠蘿伴豆卷 132
Tofu Rolls with Pineapple and Sweet Sour Sauce
辣椒蒜茸炒龍鬚菜 134
Stir-fried Chayote Shoots with Chilli and Garlic
綠咖喱銀杏豆泡煮綠椰菜花 136
Green Curry with Green Cauliflower, Deep-fried Tofu Puffs and Ginkgo
酸辣老鼠耳 138
Sour and Spicy Black Fungus
韓式泡菜炒粉絲 140
Stir-fried Sweet Potato Noodles in Korean Style
蒸茄子伴陳醋汁 142
Steamed Eggplant with Vinegar Sauce
紅咖喱煮秋葵薯仔 144
Red Curry with Potato and Okra
酸菜木耳燜枝竹 146
Braised Tofu Stick with Wood Ear Fungus and Pickled Mustard Green
葡汁甘筍燴炸豆腐 148
Braised Tofu and Carrot in Portuguese Sauce
Vegetarian Desserts and Drinks
蓮子百合杞子桂花桃膠糖水 150
Sweet Soup with Peach Gum, Lotus Seeds and Lily Bulbs
楓糖漿拌焗番薯 152
Baked Sweet Potato with Maple Syrup
紅棗栗子冰糖燉黃耳 153
Stewed Yellow Fungus with Red Dates and Chestnuts
南瓜凍糕 154
Chilled Pumpkin Cake
燕麥腰果奶 156
Oatmeal and Cashew Milk
杏仁蛋白茶 157
Egg White and Almond Drink
苦瓜三青汁 158
Bitter Melon, Green Apple and Cucumber Juice
火龍果奇異果汁 160
Dragon fruit and Kiwi Juice
玫瑰花杞子圓肉茶 161
Rose, Qi Zi and Longan Tea
紅棗南棗黨參茶 162
Red Date, Black Date and Dang Shen Tea
木敦果茶 163
Bael Fruit Tea
增強體質,抵抗都市病 164
Strengthen your Body to Resist Diseases of Affluence
For Healthy Heart, Lowering Cholesterol, Strengthening Blood Vessel
蒜片炒小椰菜 166
Stir-fried Brussels Sprouts with Garlic
欖油羅勒醬雙色小扁豆 168
Green and Orange Lentils in Pesto Sauce
鮮露筍拌素鴨絲 170
Stir-fried Tofu Skin and Asparagus
木耳紅棗燕麥小米飯 172
Red Date, Oatmeal and Millet Rice
花生苗煮鹽滷豆腐 174
Bittern Tofu and Peanut Sprouts
Preventing Hypertension
素肉燥冬菇醬番薯湯麵 176
Sweet Potato Noodles in Vegetarian Minced Pork Sauce
味噌芹菜豆漿豆腐湯 178
Soymilk, Tofu and Miso Soup
蘋果青瓜番茄西芹汁 180
Apple, Cucumber, Tomato and Celery Juice
日式七色海藻凍豆腐 181
Chilled Tofu with Seaweeds in Japanese Style
Preventing Calcium Rich and Osteoporosis
芝士焗西蘭花 182
Baked Broccoli with Cheese
香菇昆布煮鮮枝竹 184
Simmered Tofu Stick with Black Mushroom and Kelp
馬齒莧菜湯 186
Purslane Soup
芝麻黑豆漿 187
Black Soybean Milk with Sesame
豆渣甘筍菠菜煎餅 188
Fried Egg with Spinach, Carrot and Soy Pulp
Strengthening Brain and Memory
薑黃合桃芝麻糊 190
Walnut and Sesame Sweet Soup
菠蘿合桃甘筍炒素雞 192
Stir-fried Tofu Roll with Pineapple, Walnut and Carrot
薑黃松子仁意式三色藜麥飯 194
Quinoa with Turmeric, Pine Nuts in Italian Style
麻油拌炒銀杏豆乾毛豆仁 196
Stir-fried Edamame, Dried Tofu, Ginkgo with Sesame Oil
雪菜鮮冬菇芽菜拌薑黃麵 198
Turmeric Noodles with Salted Mustard Green, Black Mushroom and Mung Bean Sprout
Tonifying Liver, Improving Eyesight
鮮蔬燉南瓜 200
Stewed Pumpkin with Assorted Vegetables
杞子枸杞菜湯 202
Qi Zi and Matrimony Vine Soup
香烤小甘筍南瓜件 204
Roasted Baby Carrot and Pumpkin in Pesto Sauce
藍莓木瓜乾果伴合桃火箭菜 206
Rocket Salad with Blueberry, Papaya, Dried Berries and Walnut
Relieving Gout
腰果青瓜紅藜糙米飯 208
Brown Rice, Quinoa with Cashew and Cucumber
欖油蘋果醋伴烚蔬菜 210
Poached Vegetables with Olive Oil and Apple Vinegar
木耳甘筍炒萵筍絲 212
Stir-fried Celtuce, Wood Ear Fungus and Carrot
欖油檸汁雅枝竹 214
Artichoke with Olive Oil and Lemon Juice
Relieving Diabetes
松子仁拌洋葱紅椰菜 216
Stir-fried Red Cabbage with Pine Nuts and Onion
昆布素上湯蕎麥麵 218
Buckwheat Noodles in Kelp Stock
鮮蔬拌豆茸餅 220
Bean Patties with Vegetables
粟粒菜梗豆乾糙米飯 222
Brown Rice with Dried Tofu, Corn and Broccoli Stalk
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100道素菜(中英對照) epub pdf txt mobi 電子書 下載 2025
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