(brake vs. break)
(statue vs. status)
(fat vs. chubby)
A:He's the “idol” of the family.
B:Yes, he really is. “Idle” for 20 years already.
【辯析】idol 和 idle 的發音都是「唉斗」,但意思完全不同,如果混淆,容易出現誤會,
“idol” 當名詞時是「偶像」,
“idle” 是形容詞,表示「懶惰的」。
A:My friend went “aboard” on the ship to France.
B:That is not easy! Studying “abroad” needs a lot of courage and efforts.
“aboard” 的意思是「在船上」,
“abroad” 則是指「國外」。
(×) Your baby has cute “fat” cheeks!
★ “fat” 表示肥大的、肥胖的,是個強烈的貶義詞。
(○) Your baby has cute “chubby” cheeks!
★ “chubby” 表示胖得可愛、豐滿,即圓嘟嘟的。
◆密技01 〔150組易犯錯類義字分析&比較,觀念不混淆!〕
1. 剖析易搞混字彙,列出英英釋義和用法,輔以例句加深印象,學習更有效率!
2. 特別補充常用片語,搭配由片語造的例句來學習,無論談話或寫作都能靈活運用!
3. 150 篇隨堂測驗,易混淆字彙學完立即驗證實力!
◆密技02 〔貼心附贈超值學習光碟〕
—150 組「類義字精華內容摘錄」PDF 學習版,進修方式更多元!
● TEST 易混淆字哪個才正確?
● 一下就搞懂不同在哪裡!
● 用例句學起來!
◆密技03 〔正確使用同音異義&形似字,聽說讀寫不 NG!〕—
精選 44 組同音異義字和形似字,以表格方式呈現片語和例句,
◆密技04 〔終極測驗&答題剖析,學習盲點原形畢露!〕—
本書收錄 50 題測驗,範圍為前面敎過的形似字和類義字,學完馬上測,
【學 歷】國立高雄師範大學英語碩士
【經 歷】中學教師;報社英文編譯;翻譯工作室負責人
《現代英語用法指南》(電子書)、《英文文法問題與解答》(電子書)、《鎳鎘蓄電池應用工程》、《最新實用電子學》、《數位系統原理與運用》、《線性積體電路》、《電子儀表》、《第十七屆高雄市美術展覽會》、《林布蘭特蝕刻版畫展》、《2001高雄國際貨櫃節》、《第一屆台灣國際女性藝術節 - 網指之間》、《世界有多大》。
《美國學校最受歡迎的單字課—3000道閱讀試題幫你奠定不可動搖的英語力》、《10 分鐘征服英單!New TOEIC 單字百寶袋》
作 者 序│006
正確使用同音異義&形似字,聽說讀寫不NG! A002
馬上動筆測測看,字彙的用法都清楚了嗎? B002
▼Part 01│動詞▼
01 accept vs receive 016
02 accuse vs charge 018
03 adapt vs adjust 020
04 allow vs permit 022
05 annoy vs irritate 024
06 answer vs reply 026
07 avoid vs prevent 028
08 beat vs hit 030
09 begin vs start 032
10 believe vs trust 034
11 bother vs disturb 036
12 bring vs take 038
13 catch vs grab 040
14 choose vs select 042
15 come vs arrive 044
16 complete vs finish 046
17 confuse vs bewilder 048
18 convince vs persuade 050
19 copy vs imitate 052
20 create vs invent 054
21 cure vs heal 056
22 drop vs fall 058
23 find vs discover 060
24 frighten vs scare 062
25 gather vs collect 064
26 happen vs occur 066
27 hold vs keep 068
28 kill vs murder 070
29 laugh vs smile 072
30 lay vs lie vs put 074
31 listen vs hear 076
32 look vs see vs stare 078
33 make vs produce 080
34 mean vs suggest 082
35 miss vs lose 084
36 mix vs combine vs blend 086
37 move vs proceed 088
38 protect vs defend 090
39 pull vs drag 092
40 refuse vs reject 094
41 remember vs memorize 096
42 rise vs raise vs arise 098
43 rob vs steal 100
44 say vs speak 102
45 see vs watch vs look 104
46 shatter vs crush vs smash 106
47 shout vs scream 108
48 talk vs tell 110
49 think vs consider 112
50 try vs attempt 114
▼Part 02│名詞▼
01 autograph vs signature 118
02 center vs middle 120
03 chance vs opportunity 122
04 class vs lesson 124
05 climate vs weather 126
06 danger vs risk 128
07 disaster vs catastrophe 130
08 drug vs medicine 132
09 duty vs responsibility 134
10 emigrant vs immigrant 136
11 emotion vs feeling 138
12 empathy vs sympathy 140
13 fact vs truth 142
14 fare vs fee 144
15 flaw vs fault 146
16 form vs shape 148
17 freedom vs liberty 150
18 hope vs wish vs dream 152
19 job vs occupation 154
20 journey vs trip vs tour 156
21 look vs glance 158
22 mind vs heart 160
23 mountain vs hill 162
24 narrative vs story vs tale 164
25 news vs information 166
26 number vs amount 168
27 pay vs salary 170
28 people vs person 172
29 prejudice vs bias 174
30 reason vs cause 176
31 ample vs example 178
32 scene vs view 180
33 soul vs spirit 182
34 sport vs exercise 184
35 street vs road 186
36 student vs pupil 188
37 topic vs theme 190
38 voice vs sound 192
39 war vs battle 194
▼Part 03│形容詞▼
01 able vs capable 198
02 alone vs lonely 200
03 angry vs mad 202
04 anxious vs worried 204
05 aware vs conscious 206
06 big vs large 208
07 classic vs classical 210
08 clean vs clear 212
09 common vs usual 214
10 continual vs continuous 216
11 contrary vs contradictory 218
12 difficult vs hard 220
13 distant vs remote 222
14 doubtful vs dubious 224
15 each vs every 226
16 economic vs economical 228
17 effective vs efficient 230
18 either or vs neither nor 232
19 empty vs vacant 234
20 expensive vs costly 236
21 farther vs further 238
22 fat vs chubby 240
23 fewer vs less 242
24 humid vs wet vs damp 244
25 individual vs personal 246
26 inner vs interior 248
27 ironic vs sarcastic 250
28 jealous vs envious 252
29 just vs fair 254
30 little vs small 256
31 noisy vs loud 258
32 old vs aged 260
33 original vs creative 262
34 passed vs past 264
35 possible vs probable 266
36 quick vs fast 268
37 ready vs prepared 270
38 real vs true 272
39 right vs correct 274
40 sad vs depressed 276
41 safe vs secure 278
42 short vs brief 280
43 sick vs ill 282
44 silent vs quiet 284
45 smart vs wise 286
46 sure vs certain 288
47 thankful vs grateful 290
48 thin vs skinny vs slim 292
49 vast vs huge 294
50 verbal vs oral 296
51 wide vs broad 298
▼Part 04│其他▼
01 above vs over 302
02 after vs behind 304
03 besides vs except 306
04 between vs among 308
05 can vs may 310
06 ever vs never 312
07 every day vs everyday 314
08 soon vs shortly 316
09 still vs yet 318
10 whether vs if 320
英文字彙糾察隊:誤用單字好困擾,雞同鴨講怎麼辦?(附贈 超值光碟:精華內容摘錄PDF學習版) epub pdf txt mobi 電子書 下載 2025
英文字彙糾察隊:誤用單字好困擾,雞同鴨講怎麼辦?(附贈 超值光碟:精華內容摘錄PDF學習版) pdf epub mobi txt 下載