平川三七五 epub pdf txt mobi 電子書 下載 2025
齣版者 出版社:新陸書局 訂閱出版社新書快訊 新功能介紹
齣版日期 出版日期:2017/11/28
語言 語言:繁體中文
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Ping Chuan is another name for Suan-Chang Wang. In 1949, the then Taiwan Provincial Governor, Chen, Cheng enacted the famous land reform policy, The 375 Arable Rent Reduction plan, which had been initiated and championed by Ping Chuan Wang.The year 2017 is his one hundredth birthday anniversary. This memoir,“Ping Chuan 375”, briefly documents his short life. Born in penury and raised by a poor, illiterate, rural widowed mother, throughout his childhood he experienced extreme poverty with little food and clothes and no education. Later, through his own efforts and a focused determination to strive upward, he eventually became the secretary to Chen, Cheng.He was a true public servant, devotedly loyal to his country and his countrymen. He conceived and developed the 375 rent reduction policy to improve the lives of poor farmers and to stabilize agricultural communities. The main purpose of this book is to celebrate and commemorate his short but fruitful life: his birth, his devotion, his achievements, his integrity, his beliefs and his passing.
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王選長的履歷表 4
The Curriculum Vitae of Wang Suan-Chang
中國傳統村落浙江省寧波市寧海縣 一市鎮東嶴村 10
China's Traditional Village- DongAo Villge of Zhejiang province, Ningbo city, Ninghai county,Yisi town ¬
東嶴鄉情山水(今稱東嶴之景)—王臣星 16
The Sceneries of Dong Ao
王平川的故事 21
Wang Suan-Chang’s Life Story
懷念長才未竟的王選長老師 謹以虔敬禱念其百歲誕辰—樓文淵 40
To cherish the memory of my teacher Wang Suan-Chang, sincerely pray for him and to commemorate him on his hundredth birthday
我所敬愛的國文先師王選長先生—林海明 46
My Respected and Beloved Chinese Professor Mr. Wang Suan-Chang
浙江寧海一巿鎮東嶴王村王家興來信 50
Letter from DongAo Wang Family
王選長向東嶴漁民問及他童年玩耍的地方 54
The Area Wang Suan-Chang was reminiscing with DongAo
東嶴漁民漂風台灣軼事 56
Anecdote of DongAo Fishermen’s Boat Wind Drifted to Taiwan
浙江寧海一市東嶴“八鮮六味”的美食一斑 59
Dong Ao Cuisine of“8 seafood & 6 desert”
對王師最後歲月稍有一些記載—樓文淵 60
The Last Days of Professor Wang’s Life in 1970
王選長的家人 67
The Immediate Family Members of Wang, Suan-Chang
永恆的懷念—王佩君 72
Eternally Missed
憶父親—王履之 82
In Memory of My Beloved Father
我心裏的爸爸—王韋君 88
The Father in My Heart
侈言的溫柔—王綏之 92
Intimate Memories of My Laconic Father
寧海東洲王氏宗譜 長房系圖 97
Dong-zhou, Ning-hai Wang Genealogy The Chart of the Eldest Branch
撰者的謝忱—王佩君 109
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