本書收錄多篇翻譯研究論文,集結翻譯名家余光中、國際知名翻譯學者Lawrence Venuti、Valerie Pellatt、陳善偉等作者,主題涵蓋翻譯理論、翻譯科技、文學翻譯、及譯者教育與認證。翻譯本身是極為古老的人類活動,翻譯的專業化則是相當晚近的趨勢,然而在研究深度和廣度、乃至實務層面的探討,都在近年有急速的發展,全球翻譯界皆然。本書希望呈現翻譯研究領域在現今的多樣化面貌:不論是研究策略、方法、亦或分析角度,翻譯學門的不斷擴展值得翻譯研究者和從業人員持續關注。
This volume of selected papers covers some of the major issues emerging from the latest developments in translation studies (including interpreting, in a broader sense), such as translation theories, translation technology, literary translation, and the translator’s education and certification. As a human activity that dates back to the very beginnings of civilization, translation has witnessed a phenomenal growth both in industry and in academia. The publisher hopes to reveal, as showcased in this book, that the field of translation studies has developed into a diverse discipline encompassing a wide variety of approaches, methods, and perspectives.
The Language Training & Testing Center (LTTC)
The LTTC, since its establishment in 1951, has been highly regarded by the public for providing quality teaching and testing of languages such as English, Japanese, French, German, and Spanish. In response to the increasing global significance of the Chinese language, the LTTC has recently added a new focus—the teaching and testing of Chinese-English translation/interpretation. This volume represents part of the LTTC’s efforts to promote this growing field in Taiwan.
Section 1. The Making of a Translator
1. 譯無全功─認識文學翻譯的幾個路障
Translation Knows No Perfection
Kwang-chung Yu (余光中)
2. 翻譯理論的系譜學:洛克和施萊瑪赫
Genealogies of Translation Theory: Locke and Schleiermacher
Lawrence Venuti著,劉素勳譯,廖咸浩編修
Section 2. Translation and Interpreting in Historical, Social, and Literary Contexts
3. 譯者與贊助人—以林獻堂為中心的譯者群體
Translators and Patronage: Translator Groups Built Around Lin Hsien-tang
Cheng-Shu Yang (楊承淑)
4. 還我名字!—尋找譯者的真名
Who Are They?—In Search for the “Unknown” Translators in Post-War Taiwan
Sharon Tzu-yun Lai (賴慈芸)
5. 從傳聲筒到掌控者—法庭口譯角色之探討
From Conduit to Active Initiator—A Study of the Roles of the Court Interpreter in Taiwan
Brenda Yaling Chen (陳雅齡) & Posen Liao (廖柏森)
6. 台灣法院判決翻譯理論的提出:以智慧財產法院判決為例
A New Theory for Translation of Taiwanese Courts’ Decisions: A Case Study of the Taiwan Intellectual Property Court
Ping-Hsun Chen (陳秉訓)
7. Titles and Translator Recognition in the Writings of Kanehara Mizuhito and Kōnosu Yukiko
Isabelle Bilodeau
8. The Translator as Writer of Children’s Literature—A Case of Mistaken Identity
Mugur Zlotea
Section 3. Training, Testing, and Technology in Translation and Interpreting
9. The Symbiotic Relationship Between Language Testing and the Testing of Translation and Interpreting: Norms, Criteria and Usability
Valerie Pellatt
10. Translation Technology: Past, Present and Future
Sin-wai Chan (陳善偉)
11. Scaffolding, Capturing and Preserving Interactions in Educating for Collaborative Translation
Bogdan Babych, Anthony Hartley, Kyo Kageura, Martin Thomas, & Masao Utiyama
12. Analytic Scoring in an Interpretation Test: Construct Validity and the Halo Effect
Jessica Wu (吳若蕙), Minhua Liu (劉敏華), & Cecilia Liao (廖秀育)
13. An Articulated Learning Path: Locating Interpreting Learning from the Narratives of Learners
An-Chi Chen (陳安頎)
14. 譯後編輯用於提升機器翻譯品質之比較研究
A Comparative Study of the Post-Editing Quality of Machine Translation and Human Translation
Dahui Dong (董大暉), Yu-su Lan (藍月素), & Sally I. C. Wu (吳宜錚)
List of Contributors
譯者養成面面觀 epub pdf txt mobi 電子書 下載 2025
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