學習臨床推理(第二版) epub pdf txt mobi 電子書 下載 2025
齣版者 出版社:金名 訂閱出版社新書快訊 新功能介紹
翻譯者 譯者: 鄭昌錡 等
齣版日期 出版日期:2017/06/01
語言 語言:繁體中文
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學習臨床推理(第二版) epub pdf txt mobi 電子書 下載
前言 v
第二版序文 vii
誌謝 xi
校閱者序 xii
譯者序 xiii
此書格式的說明 xiv
第一部分 臨床推理過程
1. 概論Overview ............................................................................................. 3
引言 Introduction 3
診斷是推論的過程 Diagnosis is an Inferential Process 5
問題解決策略 Problem-Solving Strategies 5
診斷立基於假說的產生與測試 Diagnosis Based on Hypothesis Generation and Testing 5
診斷策略的替代性概念 Alternate Concepts of Diagnostic Strategies 6
治療原則Therapeutic Principles 6
診斷與治療的連結 Linking Diagnosis and Treatment 7
2. 產生診斷假說 Diagnostic Hypothesis Generation .................................... 8
假說與線索 Hypotheses and Cues 8
產生假說的認知科學基礎The Cognitive Basis of Hypothesis Generation 8
假說作為診斷的脈絡 Hypotheses as a Context 9
經驗與錯誤Expertise and Error 9
3. 診斷假說的精確化Refinement of Diagnostic Hypotheses ..................... 11
精確化的過程 Where Refinement Begins and Ends 11
脈絡和診斷分類Context and Diagnostic Classification
假說的演化 Hypothesis Evolution 12
資料的收集次序 Sequence of Data Collection 12
降低診斷的不確定度 Reducing Diagnostic Uncertainty 13
鑑別診斷 The Differential Diagnosis 14
與正式機率方法的相關Relation to Formal Probabilistic Approach 14
4. 診斷性測試的使用與判讀Use and Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests ........ 15
測試的功能The Function of Tests 15
量化測試的決定 Quantifying Testing Decisions 15
敏感度與特異性 Sensitivity and Specificity 16
貝氏法則 Bayes’ Rule 17
執行測試的原則 Testing Principles 18
貝氏修正模式應用於多重測試結果的分析 Bayesian Revision for Multiple Results 19
貝氏修正模式應用於多重表徵之疾病的分析 Bayesian Revision for Multiple Diseases with
Multiple Attributes 21
臨床實際運用的考量Pragmatic Considerations in the Probabilistic Approach 22
結果判讀 Interpreting Results 23
測試的時機 When to Test 23
臨界點的概念The Threshold Concept 24
治療的臨界點 The Therapeutic Threshold 24
測試的臨界點 Testing Thresholds 25
5. 因果推理 Causal Reasoning ....................................................................... 28
定義 Definition 28
使用因果模式 Using a Causal Model 29
在診斷過程的何處使用因果推理?Where in the Diagnostic Process Does Causal Reasoning Fit ? 29
解釋多重變項的關聯 Explaining Relations Between Variables 3
6. 診斷驗證 Diagnostic Verification ................................................................ 31
定義Definition 31
效度準則 Criteria of Validity 31
過早定案 Premature Closure 31
倒數第二個結果:可行的診斷 The Penultimate Result:A Working Diagnosis 32
7. 制定治療決策 Therapeutic Decision Making ............................................. 33
原則 Principles 33
不確定情形中的治療選擇Treatment under Conditions of Uncertainty 33
當治療選擇的價值相近時 When the Value of Therapeutic Choices is Close 34
不對稱選項 Incommensurate Options 34
制定量化的治療決策 Quantitative Therapeutic Decision Making 34
8. 檢視證據 Examining Evidence .................................................................. 36
引言 Introduction 36
實證醫學 Evidence-Based Medicine 36
提出問題 Asking Questions 36
搜尋證據 Searching for Evidence 37
總結與評價證據 Summarizing and Appraising Evidence 37
運用證據 Applying the Evidence 37
操作指引 Practice Guidelines 38
9. 認知錯誤 Cognitive Errors ......................................................................... 39
範圍 Scope 39
分類 Classification 39
有些錯誤源自於心理層面 Some Errors may have a Psychological Origin 39
認知錯誤的本質 The Nature of Cognitive Errors 39
實驗室裡的認知偏見 Cognitive Biases in the Laboratory 40
認知偏差的後果 Consequences of Cognitive Biases 40
避免認知錯誤的策略 Strategies for Avoiding Cognitive Errors 41
10. 一些認知概念 Some Cognitive Concepts ................................................... 42
認知科學 Cognitive Science 42
研究心智過程 Studying Mental Processes 42
記憶的架構 The Structure of Memory 42
搜尋策略 Search Strategies 44
專業知識的特色Characteristics of Expertise 46
11. 學習如何解決臨床問題 Learning Clinical Problem Solving ...................... 48
事實相對於過程 Facts Versus Process 48
教學原則Pedagogic Principles 49
特殊案例A Specific Example 49
目標應決定形式The Goal Should Determine the Format 50
經由例子學習 Learning by Instantiation 50
學習解決臨床問題相對於問題導向學習 Learning Clinical Problem Solving Versus Problem-Based Learning 51
第二部分 在床邊的認知:案例集Cognition at the Bedside:A Set of Examples
12. 寫在案例分析之前 Introduction to the Cases ............................................. 55
13. 產生診斷假說 Diagnostic Hypothesis Generation ........................... 56
案例1 產生診斷假說 Generation of Diagnostic Hypotheses 56
案例2 專家驅動的假說 Hypothesis Triggering by an Expert 60
案例3 診斷的妙招 A Diagnostic Coup 63
案例4 快而準的解答 A Quick and Accurate Solution 66
案例5 雖晚不遲 Better Late Than Never 69
案例6 失誤後的命中 A Hit After a Miss 73
案例7 脈絡在診斷過程的重要性 The Critical Role of Context in the Diagnostic Process 76
案例8 蒙面的掠奪者 A Masked Marauder 81
案例9 嚴重的失焦 A Serious Lack of Focus 84
14. 診斷假說的精確化 Refinement of Diagnostic Hypotheses .................... 89
案例 10 鑑別診斷是什麼? What is a differential diagnosis ? 89
案例 11 有次序、依序的切入 An Orderly, Sequential Approach 94
案例 12 弱勢的推理:由藥物反應來診斷 Weak Reasoning:Diagnosis by Drug Reaction 96
案例13 縮小診斷選項的範圍Narrowing Down the Diagnostic Options 100
案例14 一張圖片勝過千言萬語 A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words 104
案例15 資訊收集策略 Strategies of Information Gathering 108
案例 16 薩頓定律的致命缺陷 A Fatal Flaw in Sutton’S Law 113
案例17 如何無視於誤導的線索 How to Disregard Red Herrings 118
案例 18 區別:外觀相似的問題 Discrimination: The Problem of Look-Alikes 121
案例 19 位置、位置、位置 Location, Location, Location 125
15. 診斷性測試的使用與判讀 Use and Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests ........ 128
案例 20 判讀陰性的測試結果 Interpreting a Negative Test Result 128
案例21 單純思路的診斷及風險 Diagnosis and the Risks of the Primrose Path 131
案例22 尋找一匹小馬 Searching for a Pony 134
案例23 判讀駿馬的蹄印:貝氏法則能夠撥開陰霾嗎? Interpreting Hoofbeats: Can Bayes Help Clear the Haze ? 137
案例24 診斷過程的捷徑 Short-Circuiting the Diagnostic Process 143
案例25 繞道至繞道術 The Bypass on the Way to the Bypass 145
案例26 重點是你相信什麼 It is What You Believe that Counts 148
案例27 藉由貝氏大師來拯救腎臟 Renal Rescue by Reverend Bayes 152
案例28 一個僥倖的診斷 A Diagnostic Fluke 155
案例29 出乎意料! Surprise ! 157
案例30 跨越科技 Tripping Over Technology 161
案例31 機率中的機率The Probability of a Probability 165
16. 因果推理 Causal Reasoning ................................................................... 169
案例 32 判斷因果關係 Judging Causality 169
案例 33 因果謬誤 Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc 171
案例 34 因果推理的案例 The Case for Causal Reasoning 175
案例 35 歸因因果關係的棘手任務 The Tricky Task of Attributing Causation 180
案例 36 錯誤原因的正確答案 The Right Answer for the Wrong Reason 183
17. 診斷驗證 Diagnostic Verification ........................................................... 186
案例 37 逐點剖析臨床推理 A Point-Bypoint Dissection of Clinical Reasoning 186
案例 38 抽絲剝繭 Leaving No Stone Unturned 188
案例 39 驗證 Verification 192
案例 40 一絲不苟的方法 A Meticulous Approach 196
案例 41 診斷的困境 A Diagnostic Quandary 199
案例 42 按規定做診斷 Diagnosis by Fiat 203
案例 43 假黃金(黃鐵礦)與診斷的確認 Iron Pyrite and Diagnostic Confirmation 207
18. 擬訂治療決策 Therapeutic Decision Making ........................................ 209
案例 44 外科醫師決定開刀:為何? The Surgeon Opts to Operate: Why? 209
案例 45 治療或繼續測試? Treat or Keep Testing ? 211
案例46 觀察和等待,還是手術? Watch and Wait, or Operate? 216
案例47 蘋果還是橘子? An Apple or an Orange? 218
19. 檢視證據 Examining Evidence ............................................................... 223
案例 48 艱難的權衡 A Difficult Tradeoff 223
案例49 在證據不確定時做決斷 Making Judgments When the Evidence is Not Definitive 225
案例50 使用與引用已發表的證據 Using and Citing Published Evidence 227
案例51 善用數學以利醫療進行 A Little Math Makes the Medicine Go Down 229
案例52 滿載而歸地尋得確定診斷 A Rewarding Pursuit of Certainty 234
案例53 在知道前就治療 Treating Before Knowing 239
20. 認知錯誤 Cognitive Errors ..................................................................... 244
案例 54 有缺陷的偵探 A Defective Detective 244
案例55 形成錯誤假設的補救措施Remedies for Faulty Hypothesis Generation 248
案例56 災難被避免了 A Disaster Averted 252
案例57 因為可得式啟發而脫軌 Derailed by the Availability Heuristic 255
案例58 錯誤的診斷、錯誤的檢測、錯誤的治療 Wrong Diagnosis, Wrong Tests, Wrong Treatment 262
案例59 重新考慮失敗的治療 Reconsidering Failures of Therapy 266
案例60 獵豹和蝸牛 The Cheetah and the Snail 267
案例61 認知診斷錯誤的集合 A Collection of Cognitive Diagnostic Errors 271
21. 一些認知的概念 Some Cognitive Concepts ................................................. 275
案例62 關於方法的訊息 A Message about Methods 275
案例63 記憶:我們如何克服其侷限性 Memory: How We Overcome its Limitations 279
案例64 診斷和記憶的結構;疾病的多形性和心智模型 Diagnosis and the Structure of Memory; Disease Polymorphism and Mental Models 281
案例65 直覺的和靈感的,或歸納的與遞增的? Intuitive and Inspirational, or Inductive and Incremental ? 286
案例 66 知識和臨床專業Knowledge and Clinical Expertise 291
22. 學習解決臨床問題 Learning Clinical Problem Solving ............................. 295
案例 67 從例子學習臨床推理 Learning Clinical Reasoning from Examples 295
案例68 做無米之炊 Making a Silk Purse out of a Sow’s Ear 299
案例69 優化案例討論 Optimizing Case Discussions 304
詞彙表 308
參考文獻 313
索引 325
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