Part 1 溝通概論 (Communication: An Overview)
1. 建立關係的重要性 ─ 包括口頭和書面形式 (The importance of building relationships – both orally and in writing)
2. 句子結構的重要性 (Sentence construction matters)
Part 2 商業寫作基礎 (Business Writing Basics)
3. 21 世紀商業用語 (21st century business language)
4. 以邏輯方式架構訊息 (Structuring messages logically)
5. 版面呈現的重要性 (Presentation matters)
Part 3 Electronic Communication
6. 電子郵件禮節 (Email etiquette)
7. 線上寫作:網站、部落格和社交網路 (Writing online: websites, blogs and social networking)
8. 線上顧客服務 (Customer care online)
Part 4 例行性商業交易 (Routine Business Transactions)
9. 詢問與回覆 (Enquiries and replies)
10. 報價、估價與投標 (Quotations, estimates and tenders)
11. 訂單與履行 (Orders and their fulfilment)
12. 開立發票與結帳 (Invoicing and settlement of accounts)
13. 請求付款信 (Letters requesting payment)
14. 信用交易與徵信調查 (Credit and status enquiries)
15. 典型的商業交易 ( 書信與文件 ) (A typical business transaction [correspondence and documents])
Part 5 一般商業書信 (General Business Correspondence)
16. 內部書信 (Internal correspondence)
17. 祕書與行政往來書信 (Secretarial and administrative correspondence)
18. 會議文件 (Meetings documentation)
19. 人事 (Personnel)
20. 報告與提案 (Reports and proposals)
Part 6 富創造力與說服力的文件 (Creative and Persuasive Documents)
21. 抱怨與調解 (Complaints and adjustments)
22. 親善信 (Goodwill messages)
23. 公告、廣告、通知單與講義 (Notices, advertisements, information sheets and handouts)
24. 通知函 (Circulars)
25. 推銷信與主動提供 (Sales letters and voluntary offers)
26. 宣傳品 (Publicity material)
27. 商業計畫書 (Business plans)
附錄1 口語和書信形式的稱謂
附錄2 A-Z 替換字 ( THE A-Z of alternative words)
附錄3 如何用簡明英語撰寫報告 (How to write reports in plain English)
朗文英文商業書信 & 電子郵件寫作技巧與範例 epub pdf txt mobi 電子書 下載 2025
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