This book provides comprehensive coverage of mobile data networking and mobile communications under a single cover for diverse audiences including managers, practicing engineers, and students who need to understand this industry. In the last two decades, many books have been written on the subject of wireless communications and networking. However, mobile data networking and mobile communications were not fully addressed in a unified fashion. This book fills that gap in the literature and is written to provide essentials of wireless communications and wireless networking, including Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPAN), Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN), and Wireless Wide Area Networks (WWAN). The first ten chapters of the book focus on the fundamentals that are required to study mobile data networking and mobile communications. Numerous solved examples have been included to show applications of theoretical concepts. In addition, unsolved problems are given at the end of each chapter for practice. (A solutions manual will be available.)After introducing fundamental concepts, the book focuses on mobile networking aspects. Four chapters are devoted on the discussion of WPAN, WLAN, WWAN, and internetworking between WLAN and WWAN. Remaining seven chapters deal with other aspects of mobile communications such as mobility management, security, cellular network planning, and 4G systems.A unique feature of this book that is missing in most of the available books on wireless communications and networking is a balance between the theoretical and practical concepts. Moreover, this book can be used to teach a one/two semester course in mobile data networking and mobile communications to ECE and CS students.
1 . Details the essentials of Wireless Personal Area Networks(WPAN), Wireless Local Are Networks (WLAN), and Wireless Wide Area Networks (WWAN)
2 . Comprehensive and up-to-date coverage including the latest in standards and 4G technology
3 . Suitable for classroom use in senior/first year grad level courses. Solutions manual and other instructor support available
Chapter 1:An Overview of Wireless Systems
Chapter 2:Teletraffic Engineering
Chapter 3:Radio Propagation and Propagation Path-Loss Models
Chapter 4:An Overview of Digital Communication and Transmission
Chapter 5:Fundamentals of Cellular Communications
Chapter 6:Multiple Access Techniques
Chapter 7:Architecture of a Wireless Wide Area Network (WWAN)
Chapter 8:Speech Coding and Channel Coding
Chapter 9:Modulation Schemes
Chapter 10:Antennas, Diversity, and Link Analysis
Chapter 11:Spread-Spectrum (SS) and CDMA Systems
Chapter 12:Mobility Management in Wireless Networks
Chapter 13:Security in Wireless Systems
Chapter 14:Mobile Network and Transport Layer
Chapter 15:Wide Area Wireless Networks (WWANs) – GSM Evolution
Chapter 16:Wide Area Wireless Networks (WWANs) – cdmaOne Evolution
Chapter 17:Planning and Design of Wide Area Wireless Networks
Chapter 18:Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)
Chapter 19:Wireless Personal Area Network – Bluetooth
Chapter 20:Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPAN): Low Rate (LR) and High Rate (HR)
Chapter 21:Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs)
Chapter 22:Internetworking between Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) and 3G Wireless Wide Area Networks (WWAN)
Chapter 23:Fourth Generation (4G) Systems and New Wireless Technologies
Appendix A:Traffic Tables
Appendix B: Path Loss
Appendix C:Error Functions
Appendix D:Spreading Codes Used in CDMA
Appendix E:Power Units
Appendix F:Acronyms