1. 立春‧新春佳節〔The Joyous Festival of Lunar New Year’s Day〕
2. 雨水‧春雨淅瀝〔Pattering Spring Rain〕
3. 驚蟄‧蟲豸之舞〔Insects’ Dance〕
4. 春分‧郊野踏青〔An Early Spring Outing on Fresh Green Grass〕
5. 清明‧墓前追遠〔Recollections before Tombs〕
6. 穀雨‧布穀催播〔Cuckoos Calling for Sowing〕
7. 立夏‧麥秋時節〔Wheat Harvesting〕
8. 小滿‧疾風驟雨〔Hurricane〕
9. 芒種‧端陽懷古〔Meditations on the Past〕
10. 夏至‧鋤禾當午〔Hoeing at High Noon〕
11. 小暑‧雨中荷塘〔A Lotus Pond in Rain〕
12. 大暑‧水上童嬉〔Kids at Play on the Water〕
13. 立秋‧七夕遐思〔Reveries over the Legendary Union of Herd-boy and Weaving Maid〕
14. 處暑‧田間草人〔Scarecrows in the Fields〕
15. 白露‧五穀登場〔Cereal Harvests Taken to Threshing Grounds〕
16. 秋分‧鴻雁南飛〔Wild Geese in Southward Flight〕
17. 寒露‧金風秋菊〔Chrysanthemums in Autumn Breeze〕
18. 霜降‧秋聲蕭瑟〔Autumn Dirge〕
19. 立冬‧鄉村集市〔Country Fair〕
20. 小雪‧玉樹瓊花〔Snow-capped Trees in a World of Snow-flakes〕
21. 大雪‧屋前雪人〔Snowmen Made in Front Yard〕
22. 冬至‧朔風呼嘯〔The Howling, Bitter North Wind〕
23. 小寒‧河上冰橇〔Sledges on a Frozen River〕
24. 大寒‧祭灶祈福〔Sacrificial Rites in Prayer for Blessings〕
鋼琴樂譜系列7 鋼琴前奏曲廿四首:中國節令風情 epub pdf txt mobi 電子書 下載 2025
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