每本圖文書皆隨附一款限量的純棉手工絹印方布(40╳40公分),一共有四款:小籠包(Xiao Long Bao)、烏龍茶(Oolong Tea)、龍柏(Dragon Juniper)和火龍果(Dragon Fruit)。活潑的色彩和清新的手繪插圖傳遞對日常的祝福,它可以是送給朋友的布卡片、餐墊、牆上掛飾…等,以及任何與日常生活發生連結的創意發揮。隨生攜帶它,抓住機會和地球好好相處,做環保就是給地球抓龍,人與土和樂融融!
●方布材質和規格:純棉Cotton Cloth│40 x 40cm│手工絹印.Silk-Screen Printing│台灣製 Made in Taiwan
〈Book Description〉
Zhua Long (Grabbing the Dragon) picture book.cotton cloth
In the Chinese horoscope, the only fictional animal is the Dragon.
In Taiwan, the Dragon is transformed into different forms in our lives.
It is found in temples, stories, food, plants, flowers…even in our bodies.
Dragon is pronounced “long” in Mandarin. The spine is called “long gu” in Taiwanese, literally “dragon bone”. Therefore, in Taiwan, “Grabbing the Dragon” means “to massage”.
Let’s investigate the diminishing role that dragons play in the daily lives of the Taiwanese, and put these traditional fun ideas back into our everyday routines.
In the New Year, make a promise to yourself: “Grab the Dragon” at some point every day to relax. No matter what you are doing, it will help you maintain a balanced, healthy lifestyle.
The Chinese phrase “Zhua Long” literally means “Grabbing the Dragon”, and is a metaphor for “massage”. So, if you “Grab the Dragon” in your life it will help keep your body and soul alive.
This is the first of a series of creative activities inspired by the Year of the Dragon in which we will learn how to “Grab the Dragon” for the Earth and ourselves. Slow down your hectic life to maintain a balanced lifestyle.
A cotton cloth is included with this book, to enable you to reduce your use of paper tissues. It could be a handkerchief, a placemat, a small hanging in your room, or…be inspired!
Always carry a cotton cloth to live harmoniously with our Earth.
“Grabbing the Dragon” for the Earth means putting effort into environmental protection to help restore harmony between the Earth and its people.
Hot and juicy Xiao Long Bao (Soup Dumpling)
A memorable taste coming from the warmth of people.
Long Dan up in the high mountains (Gentiana davidii formosana)
A unique flower found only in Taiwan.
A sip of Oolong Tea
Try the heart-warming and mellow taste of Oolong Tea.
Long Xu Tang (Dragon Whiskers Candy)
Taste the fragrant sweetness of Long Xu Tang.
Clusters of Longan
Juicy and plump.
Drumming in the Dragon Boat on the Fifth of the Fifth Month
With raucous drumming, let’s row, row, row the boat!
A dish of stir-fried Long Xu Cai (literally, Dragon Whiskers Vegetable)
Crunchy, tasty.
A bowl of Oolong Noodles
What a chewy and springy texture!
Listen to the stories told by Long Shan Temple
Gain peacefulness in heart and mind.
Dragon Pillars in the temples
Thank the Gods cheerfully.
A plate of Dragon Fruit
Remember: You won’t “spit fire” if you’re in a good mood!
Plant a Dragon Juniper (Juniperus chinensis kaizuka)
Standing tall against the rain and storms all year round.
Yen Shui Long (1903-1997)
Enriching people’s imaginative life through Art.
Long Kui among the weeds (Black Nightshade)
Strong and vital.
Li Xiao Long (Bruce Lee) (1940-1973)
A-zar! Find yourself in life.
A trip to the Remains of Long Teng Bridge
Remembering times gone by.
抓龍:為生活抓龍,身心其樂融融(圖文書+純棉手工絹印方布) epub pdf txt mobi 電子書 下載 2025
抓龍:為生活抓龍,身心其樂融融(圖文書+純棉手工絹印方布) pdf epub mobi txt 下載