The potential middle class prequel of my favorite present epub pdf txt mobi 電子書 下載 2024


The potential middle class prequel of my favorite present

齣版者 出版社:Independently published 訂閱出版社新書快訊 新功能介紹
齣版日期 出版日期:2019/12/01
語言 語言:英文


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Glory Glory

  2018年十月於美國亞馬遜amazon.com旗下子公司Kindle direct publishing 出版ebooks, 同時發表紙本書The potential middle class prequel of my favorite present於美國出版。隔年(2019年)五月出版紙本書’The motivation of a pursue’ 更改筆名為Glory Tsar,並接續出版紙本書’The heart fence’。在英國接受高等教育,現居住在亞洲城市。
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Introduction: As a member of British royal family, Neal Bernal who is not direct relative with Queen of the United Kingdom his father John Bernal mastering real power among the royal families who is supreme the Queen of Britain virtual monarch his son Neal Bernal talented and with promising future as a professor of higher education in both Britain beforehand and Japan of the rebirth of his life rely on his perseverance and faith to overcome the constructed romance between a teacher and a student consisted in a virtue with not been shattered previously his life nevertheless love is a commitment by mutual in which the flaw and immoral of Neal Bernal could not be ignored with a higher standard examined he had struggled to free himself from foreordination in Aberystwyth the story of past associated with he and Lebanon was not manifested to him he had wondered that whether to he had been experienced and spent the time with Lebanon or not.
Lebanon, a young man who has a generosity mind exists flesh and blood and soul of Neal Bernal’s previous life and current life flesh and blood and soul of Neal Bernal as well they met again in Nagasaki city after World War II the general mood of society of the era was comparatively conservative than in the 21st century.
In Britain or Sweden however Neal Bernal’s passion to Lebanon had not been lessened due to the switched of the background by time and finally Neal Bernal had proved that Lebanon is the person he determined to stay true of his life.



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