1. 就要從模仿「關鍵句型」開始。
2. 學會「關鍵句型」後,再替換相關「單字」。
3. 馬上應用在「會話」中。
用「關鍵句型」學溝通技巧,保證永生難忘! 用「關鍵句」+「單字」+「會話」的組合,
連老外也是用句型在溝通! 模仿是最快速的學習方式,只要掌握本書列舉的200個關鍵句型,
STEP 1 先學關鍵句型
I am afraid...
I am afraid of being late to school.
STEP 2 認識相關單字
I am afraid of being late to school. work工作
STEP 3 應用於會話中
A: What are you worried about?
B: I am afraid of being late to work.
完全適用於「出國旅遊」及「留學、就業」的溝通技巧 ● 蒐羅各式情境,包含初次見面時的開啟話題、日常生活、工作職場、出國時的交通旅遊、餐飲住宿、逛街購物、休閒娛樂,通通都有,樣樣具備!
● 列舉溝通時最常用的200個句型,例句下方還有溝通TIP,能幫助讀者使用英文溝通時更有效率!
● 每個句型皆有補充相關單字和情境會話,學句型還能認識單字,最後再應用於會話中,一次就能學到最完整的內容!
獨家附贈「學一次用一輩子的英文溝通技巧」會話句MP3 用美籍老師的發音來學習關鍵句型,利用零碎時間重複聆聽MP3,讓你能身歷其境,跟讀練習說英文,真正需要用英文溝通時才能派上用場!
● 列舉生活中可能發生的狀況,遇到了才能馬上說 本書依據章節內容,列舉在生活中可能發生的各種狀況,例如與人初次見面時、與熟人寒暄時會有哪些對話,在對話的下方還有例句,告訴你說哪些話最適合。現學現用,讓你在生活中遇到了就能馬上說。
● 200個學一次就能用一輩子的關鍵句型 先學會最基礎的關鍵句型,再開始照樣造句。書中列舉大量例句,能讓你透過例句漸漸熟悉句型的應用。本書也蒐集溝通時最常用的200個句型,學會了這些溝通句型,就夠用一輩子。
● 包羅萬象的溝通TIP,在各式場合皆可運用自如 每個例句下方不定時會補充使用英文溝通時的TIP,例如美式英語和英式英語的用法差異、中西方的用字習慣差異、句型或單字的特殊用法等等。各式各樣的溝通TIP能讓你在各種場合與人溝通時無障礙、零距離。
● 補充大量情境相關單字,累積字彙量 學完溝通句型之後,接著熟記相關單字來累積字彙量,進而將單字隨心所欲地運用於句型中。根據各式情境的需求來運用相關單字,能使溝通時的句子更多元化。
● 將句型靈活使用於各式情境對話中 熟悉了溝通句型、認識大量相關單字後,就可以結合句型與單字,說出豐富多樣的完整句子。本書蒐羅各式情境會話,讓你在不同場合也能隨時說出流利英文。
● 美籍名師親自錄製的會話句MP3 特地請來美籍老師親自錄音,讓你可以身歷其境,跟讀練習說英文。聆聽外國人的發音,增進你的英文聽力。模仿外國人的語調,英文口說能力就可突飛猛進。
Chapter 1開啟話題
1. I am afraid…
2. I am anxious to…
3. I am happy to…
4. I am looking forward to…
5. I am proud to…
6. I feel that I should…
7. I guess I can…
8. I hope to…
9. I only regret that…
10. I refuse to…
11. I shall…
12. I wish…
13. I wonder…
14. I'm honored to…
15. It is terrible to…
16. It was in vain that…
17. It's because…
18. It's best to…
19. It's good to…
20. Let us…
21. Now is the time to…
22. That's why…
23. We have an opportunity to…
24. We have to…
25. We just need to…
Chapter 2 表達溝通
1. He began to…
2. He failed to…
3. I am grateful to you for...
4. I am willing to…
5. I declined to…
6. I am determined to…
7. I do believe that…
8. I feel sure that…
9. I hope that…
10. I mean that…
11. I understand that…
12. I'm going to…
13. I've got to…
14. It is evident that…
15. It is needless to say that…
16. It is obvious that…
17. It is on my account that…
18. It is only in this way that we can…
19. It is too late to…
20. It was necessary that…
21. It was the first time…
22. Promise me you will…
23. Thank you for…
24. They assured me that…
25. They ought to…
Chapter 3 日常生活
狀況1:廚房烹飪 ,需要幫手
1. Everything seems to prove that…
2. I should wish for nothing more than that…
3. I suppose you…
4. I wish I could…
5. I'd be lying if I said…
6. I'll bet you ten to one that…
7. …, if you please.
8. If you do not care to…, you needn't.
9. If you want to …, you have to…
10. It is possible that…
11. It certainly was not the reason why…
12. It may be some time before…
13. It was reported that…
14. It would be unwise to…
15. It would be stupid to…
16. It would do no harm if…
17. It might be that…
18. My guess is that…
19. Perhaps because…
20. Perhaps most important of all, …
21. There is no need to…
22. There is no occasion to…
23. There is nothing we can do but…
24. You are likely to…
25. You will never imagine…
Chapter 4 工作職場
1. He had no idea…
2. He was not astonished to…
3. I can now do no more than…
4. I can't wait to…
5. I cannot believe that…
6. I cannot give a reason why…
7. I did not have time to…
8. I did not intend…
9. I didn't mean for you to…
10. I don't mind telling you that…
11. I don't see why…
12. I don't want to…
13. I know not why…
14. I must not refrain from saying that…
15. I'm in no hurry to…
16. I'm not likely to…
17. It is impossible to…
18. It is not often that…
19. Never forget to…
20. No wonder…
21. There is no reason not to…
22. We have no option but to…
23. You need not…
24. You should learn not to…
25. You've no right to…
Chapter 5 餐飲住宿
1. He could not help…
2. He couldn't remember…
3. He did not refuse to…
4. He did not wish to believe that…
5. He showed no hesitation in…
6. He was not aware…
7. He was unwilling to…
8. I can no longer…
9. I don't care…
10. I don't see that…
11. I don’t know if I should…
12. I know of no way of knowing…
13. I never encouraged…to…
14. I should like to…if possible.
15. It does not appear that…
16. It seems that…
17. It is quite unlikely that…
18. It's not easy for me to…
19. It's not my habit to…
20. It's perhaps a good idea to…
21. No doubt…
22. No one can understand…
23. Nothing is more difficult than…
24. It is not necessary for you to…
25. We could do nothing to…
Chapter 6 交通旅遊.
1. Everyone knows that…
2. All you have to do is…
3. He has no difficulty in…
4. I am confident…
5. I am inclined to…
6. I can't make out why…
7. I dare not…
8. I promise you that…
9. I reckon…
10. I want you to know that…
11. I was so pleased to…that…
12. I would rather…than…
13. I'm sorry…
14. It is easy...
15. It is no use…
16. It is not astonishing that…
17. It matters little…
18. It must seem strange to you that…
19. It need hardly be said that…
20. It is true…
21. It wasn't long before…
22. It must be understood that…
23. Presently it occurred to him that…
24. The best way is to…
25. There is no time for us to…
Chapter 7 逛街購物
1. Could it be that…?
2. Do you know how we managed to…?
3. Do you really think that…?
4. Do you wish for me to…?
5. Don't you see that…?
6. Haven’t I told you already that…?
7. Do you have any objections to…?
8. Do you have any reason to believe that…?
9. How should I know…?
10. How do you propose to…?
11. How did it come about that…?
12. How is it that…?
13. How is it that you want to…?
14. I prefer … (to… )
15. Isn’t it a fact that…?
16. Is there any special reason for…?
17. Is there any way to…?
18. Shall/Should we…?
19. Would you like to…?
20. To…you have to…
21. What in the world am I supposed to do to…?
22. What is the best way to…?
23. What's the benefit of…?
24. Will you permit me to…?
25. You had better…, or you'll…
Chapter 8 休閒娛樂
1. Are you really serious about…?
2. Is it possible to…?
3. Can't you tell me why…?
4. Don't you wonder why…?
5. Do you know who…?
6. Have you really…?
7. Did you ever…?
8. Haven't you…?
9. How can we…?
10. How do you know…?
11. Is that the reason why…?
12. The same result would follow if…
13. Is it true that…?
14. What can we do to…?
15. What steps can be taken to…?
16. When will you…?
17. Where's the sense in…?
18. Which of you wouldn't consider…?
19. Who wouldn't consider it an honor to…?
20. Why did you choose to…?
21. Why don't/aren’t you…?
22. Why would you want to…?
23. Will you please…?
24. Will you promise to…?
25. Would you mind…?