劇團作品精彩的體現了台灣現代劇場的多元美學創意。《夜夜夜麻》陳述四名成長於頹廢不安的七零年代中年男子的退化人生、《驚異派對-夜夜夜麻2》及《倒數計時-夜夜夜麻完結篇》犀利批判及深度呈現台灣近十年來社會現象、《Kiki漫遊世界》挑戰大小劇場美學藩籬、《天亮以前我要你》為探索性別與國族認同的先鋒之作、《無可奉告》將媒體世紀的空言泛語轉換為語言美學經典、《記憶相簿》創造疾病與身體記憶的後現代劇場美學、《瘋狂場景-莎士比亞悲劇簡餐》尖銳再現大師對人性的特殊癖好、《幾米「地下鐵」一個音樂的旅程》成功接合流行元素與詩文化、《Click,寶貝ㄦ》跨界舞台與影像以探索後媒體世紀的荒戀畸愛、《嬉戲》瘋狂玩弄後民主時代的台灣社會百態、《影癡謀殺》逼視好萊塢對人類想像力的全面殖民等、《不三不四到台灣》探觸生死,投射台灣社會凝滯的歷史低潮與文化迷途。《R.Z.》演譯法國當代劇作家戈爾德思(Bernard-Marie Koltes)經典劇作探究創新的劇場形式和美學。《少年金釵男孟母》演繹自古即存的同志議題,在顛鸞倒鳳的性別扮演中,交疊鋪陳一段超越性別和血緣的人世真情。《愛錯亂》則是一齣挑動愛慾錯亂、書寫都會人寂寞心靈的荒謬喜劇。
近年得獎與特別贊助包括:《嬉戲》於2005年獲第三屆台新藝術獎年度首獎;《驚異派對》被譽為2003年最好的戲劇演出,並於次年入選第二屆台新藝術獎年度十大作品,2006年應邀參加台北北京「兩岸城市藝術節」於北京演出。《倒數計時》、《影癡謀殺》和《驚異派對》則分別入選國家文藝基金會「表演藝術 追求卓越」及「精華再現」特別甄選專案;《幾米「地下鐵」》受邀於澳門、新加坡演出;《不三不四到台灣》參加北京「2007亞洲城市青年戲劇節」,及上海「2007亞洲當代戲劇季」演出。《R.Z.》獲邀於台北2008兩廳院國際劇場藝術節演出。
He is my Wife, He is my Mother
(Performed in Chinese with English subtitles)
Produced and Presented by: Creative Society Theatre Company
Producer: Huei-na Lee
Written and Directed by: Katherine Hui-ling Chou
Cast: Yen-ling Hsu Hua-chien Hsu Yi-hsiu Lee Wei-wei Wu Shou-yuo Liu
Ting-yi Chu Alan Yang
Original work: Li Yu (Liweng), Silent Operas, Chapter Six: “A Male Mencius’s Mother Educates His Son and Moves House Three Times,” Qing Dynasty.
Calligraphy: Tong Yang-Tze
Stage Design by: Austin Wang
Lighting Design by: Nuo-hsing Huang
Costume Design by: Jerry C.J. Hsieh
Original Music by : Chien-chi Chen.
Nanguan Vocal and Coordinator: Yi-hsiu Lee
Video Director: Kuo-hao Li
Video Editor: Ji-Ming Lan
The Story
Part One: Fair Beauty, Fairy Bond
1.Nanfeng Tree, Fujian Love
2.Flamboyant Fairies, Enchanting Youth
3.Proposal, Betrothal, Consummation
4.Emasculation, Accusation, Reincarnation
Part Two: Male Mother, Genuine Love
1.House Moving, Home-Phobia
2.Virtuous Mother, Unremitting Love
The story begins with the romance between Xu Jifang and You Ruilang in middle Fujian where Nanfeng fashion (homosexual love affair) is commonly practiced; time: 1912, the first year of the Chinese Republic. Jifang, the last selected xiucai from Qing Dynasty has a son and wife, who died from birth giving. Jifang falls in love with the beautiful youth, Ruilang, and puts himself in poverty for the betrothal gifts demanded by Ruilang’s poor and needy father. Jifang also serves Ruilang’s father and mourns his death due to his deep affection for Ruilang. Determined to remain true and loyal to Jifang, Ruilang castrates himself in order to repay Jifang’s passion and favor.
Jifang and Ruilang’s sweet love is deprived at the height of their passion. Due to his jealousy, Chen Dalong, Jifang’s previous partner plots against him and has him arrested for interrogation. Dalong accuses Jifang of “performing castration in his own household, having eunuch serve him, and intending to plot revolt against the nation.” The judge punishes Ruilang instead due to his contempt against Nanfeng. As Ruilang undergoes the punishment of caning, people who are into the fashion surround him in order to examine his dainty flesh. In order to protect Ruilang, Jifang dies from the punishment. He leaves Ruilang with his dying words, urging Ruilang to take care of his only son, leave their hometown and stay away from Nanfeng.
The tension engendered by generation gap and personal/family history outlines the second part of the story. Situated in Taiwan from 1959 to 1964, Part Two is unfolded with Ruilang and Xiaojiang’s (Ruilang’s cousin who is always in men’s wear) unconventional relationship and their unconditional devotion to each other. Ruilang, who changes his name to Ruiniang raises Chengxian (Jifang’s only son) with Xiaojiang. In order to protect Chengxian from the disaster caused by Nanfeng, Ruiniang even follows the model of Mencius’s mother of house-moving , endeavoring to forbid Chengxian becoming intimate with male friends. Despite Ruiniang’s efforts, Chengxian still falls in love with Chen Dalong’s nephew, Chen Nianzu. Ruiniang finally accepts their relationship in the course of time. Ruiniang plays the roles of both father and mother; such virtue is further confirmed by Chengxian’s graduating at the top of his class. Ruiniang receives the Model Mother Award because of Principal Zheng’s (Zheng One) recommendation.
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