《雅舍小品》一如其名——雅逸雋永,親切率真。閱讀梁實秋的散文,恰如先生閒坐雅舍,笑談家中草木,點染社會百態,省思人生哲理;惟其尋常,也惟其可品味 。 梁實秋(1903–1987)乃首位翻譯莎士比亞全集為中文的學者,曾編撰多部辭典及語言文學教科書,廣澤學子。一九三零年代,主張白話與文言的兩個陣營壁壘分明,他把兩種文體巧妙融合,啟迪典雅而實用的文風,《雅舍小品》即為典範之作,數十年來膾炙人口。 譯者陳達遵是梁實秋的學生,曾任聯合國資深翻譯員;師傳徒承,至為難得。
Liang Shih-chiu was a renowned educator, writer, translator, literary critic and lexicographer. He graduated from Tsinghua College and Colorado Spring College (Colorado Springs). He then proceeded to Harvard University and Columbia University for graduate study in English literature.
Ta-tsun Chen is a professional translator with the United Nations since 1969. He has translated Albert Schweitzer’s Out of My Life and Thought into Chinese.
雅舍小品選集‧卷一 From A Cottager’s Sketchbook, Volume 1(英漢對照) epub pdf txt mobi 電子書 下載 2025
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