柏楊畢生致力於批判中國儒家反人權的傳統,即使犧牲人身自由也無怨無悔;魏海敏以童稚之齡投身梨園,開創傳統戲劇的新格局;王建瑄本著傳道人的精神,致力於社會淨化與政治改革;馬英九雖然被迫離開法務部長一職,卻仍堅守著為民服務的傳統家風,以深厚的法學背景和從政經驗,為台灣貢獻所長;陳水扁在德州之行中,為了體驗民主社會的真實面貌,領帶被牛排館的侍者剪掉……;此外,還有張博雅、程建人、陳文茜、許信良、胡志強、黃義交、羅文嘉……等。不論是活躍於政治界,還是藝文界,這些名人紛紛現身說法,吐露他們鮮為人知的辛酸過去、奮鬥歷程,或暢談他們在工作崗位上的堅持和理念。要更進一步瞭解這些人物,請看China News記者如何畫龍點睛,描繪出台灣菁英群的多種風貌。
Taiwan Personalities introduces forty of the most influential and compelling people in Taiwan today by explaining their background, their rise to power, and their place in the island’s political and social transformation. The book is more than a valuable reference aid to understanding the leaders of Taiwan, it provides a cross-section of the forces at work within the ruling and opposition parties and captures the drama of an evolving political system. It includes such details as a river trip taken by an adolescent Lien Chan through war-wasted China, the immolation of a leading opposition figure’s husband, and the journey of a grease-stained mechanic into the legislature. Don Shapiro, Time Magazine correspondent, writes in the Preface. ”Bringing these excellent sketches together in one collection will provide readers with valuable insights into the past development and future directions of Taiwan.”
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